Thursday, February 6, 2014

八字命局婚姻不順的標誌 Signs of failed marriages

作者: 刘燮钧   

婚 姻是人類生活的重要組成部分,誰都渴望婚姻穩定,愛情幸福。但現實生活中卻有不少人總是事與願違,婚戀不順,因而上演了很多愛情與婚姻緣的悲劇。究其原 因,不要怨天,也不要尤人,更無須自責,其實答案就在一個〝命〞字上。所謂命,就是特定時空的交匯,就是人的生辰八字所決定的命運。所謂〝落地哭三聲,好 醜命生成〞,人一降生來到世上,就已經註定了一生婚姻順利與否,愛情幸福與否。生辰八字不但蘊含著富貴貧賤的信息,同時也顯示了婚姻不順的標誌。
Marriage is an important part of a person's life, everyone is hopeful to have a stable marriage, a happy and blessed relationship.  In reality, there are many people who suffer from bad marriages and unsmooth relationships, turning into episodes of drama and tragedy.  Look for the reason, do not blame heaven, do not blame others, and do not blame yourself, the answer lies in one word, "Destiny,"  It is what you are born with, it is the composition of Qi at the time of your birth that makes up your Bazi.  A Chinese proverb, "good or bad life, is decided at the moment your three cries at birth." At the moment of birth, the quality of marriage is already determined.  A Bazi not only contains information on Rich, Noble, Poor, Lowly, it also gives signs of marital problems.    
八 字日元座下地支為夫妻宮,夫妻宮為論婚姻的樞紐,夫妻宮被六沖或相刑,都難於和合婚事。夫妻宮忌被本命地支、大運地支、流年太歲六沖,尤以日月支或日時支 鄰柱相沖為最忌,夫妻生離死別在所難免。夫妻宮忌遇寅巳申三刑、丑未戌三刑、子卯相刑,男女逢上刑沖,大多婚姻不隱,離婚的機率較大。 
1, Spouse Palace have clash or punishments, marriage is not stable.  
DM sits on spouse palace, it is the place where we look for quality of marriage, when spouse palace is clash or punished, it is a sign for poor marriage.  Spouse palace fears clash with year EB, LP EB, AP EB, and Tai Sui, especially when Day and Month EB or Day and hour EB clash are the most feared, spouse may be separated early.  Spouse palace fear meeting Yin Si Shen punishment, Chou Wei Xu punishment, Zi Mao punishment, in these cases, mostly the marriage is not stable, and divorce rates are higher.  

男 命以財星為妻,若命局中財星多且為忌,或命局中財星不見,或財星休囚無氣,比劫旺,都是婚姻不順的標誌。女命以官殺為夫星,若命局中官殺夫星多且為忌,或 命局中官殺夫星不見,或官殺夫星休囚無氣,比劫旺,也是婚姻不順的標誌。男命四柱無財或純陽純陰,古人稱為僧道命;女命四柱無官殺或純陰純陽也被稱為出家 命。
2, When spouse star is annoying star, marriage is like a mistake/waste of time.
For male, wealth is the spouse star, if there are too many wealth stars in the chart and it is the annoyance star, or there are no wealth stars, or wealth star is in decline or trap qi phase, BJ and RW are prosperous, all the aforementioned are signs of poor marriage. 
For females, DO 7K are the husband stars, if there are too many DO 7K stars and it is the annoyance star, or there are no DO 7K stars, or DO 7K stars are in decline or trap qi phase, BJ and RW are prosperous, all the aforementioned are signs of poor marriage.  For males, if four pillars do not have wealth or pure Yin or Yang pillars, ancient people determines this to be a monk's chart.  For females, if four pillars do not have DO 7K or pure Yin or Yang pillars, this was also considered a nun's chart.  

不 論男女,凡是日柱為:丙子、丙午、丁丑、丁未、戊寅、戊申、辛卯、辛酉、壬辰、壬戌、癸巳、癸亥就是陰差陽錯日。古命書云:〝陰陽差錯日, 女子逢之, 公姑寡合, 妯娌不足, 夫家冷退。男子逢之, 主退妻家, 也與妻家是非寡合。其煞不論男女, 月日時兩重或三重犯之極重, 日上犯之主不得外家力, 縱有妻財亦成虛花, 久後仍與妻家為仇, 不相往來〞。陰陽差錯指男女有違陽剛陰柔之道而婚姻不順, 氣場相剋的標誌。所生之日逢之, 輕者夫妻不和, 重者離異。
3, When DM is one of the Yin Yang Mix Ups and Solitary Shen Sha, marriage is not smooth.
Whether male or female, when DM is: Bing Zi, Bing Wu, Ding Chou, Ding Wei, Wu Yin, Wu Shen, Xin Mao, Xin You, Ren Chen, Ren Xu, Gui Si, Gui Hai, these are YYMU days.  Ancient texts says: "YYMU DMs, females will not get along with in laws, not many sister in laws, husband's family do not have many members.  Males will stay with wife's family, will also face many gossips.  Especially worrisome for male or female with multiple pillars in the YYMU category, DM meeting YYMU will not have assistance from in laws, even if wife have money, it will dissipate, eventually there will be animosity between the male and the in laws."  YYMU represents people violating the masculine and feminine principle thus leading to poor marriages, it is when the qi is mixed.  Therefore when meeting these DMs, critical cases will divorce, and light cases will have marital discord. 
凡 是日柱或時柱出現乙已、丁已、辛亥、戊申、甲寅、戊午、壬子、丙午任何一組天干地支, 即為命犯孤鸞煞。孤鸞入命, 主男女婚姻不順之事。孤鸞歌曰:〝木火逢蛇大不詳,金豬何必強逞狂,土猴木虎夫何在,時對孤鸞舞一場〞。孤鸞殺又云:〝木虎孀無婿,金豬豈有郎,赤黃馬獨 臥,黑鼠守空房〞。其實孤鸞就是自坐食傷或羊刃, 由於女命食神太強, 也具類似傷官的特性, 能剋夫星正官;男命羊刃過旺, 更有妨妻的跡象, 此為婚戀不順的標誌。
DP or HP: Yi Si, Ding Si, Xin Hai, Wu Shen, Jia Yin, Wu Wu, Ren Zi, Bing Wu, are charts with Solitary Shen Sha.  Having this in chart, denotes poor marriage.  Solitary Shen Sha Poem: "Wood Fire meeting Snake is inauspicious, Why be boastful Metal Pig, Where is the husband for Earth Monkey Tiger, Hour with Solitary is a short dance."  Another Solitary Shen Sha Poem: "Wood Tiger is a widow, Metal Pig can have husband? Burnt Yellow (Yang Earth) Horse is hidden (husband), Black (Yang Water) Rat in empty bed."  In fact, Solitary Shen Sha is self sitting on EG HO or Yang Ren, females with excessively strong EG is classified as HO type, HO controls DO which is the husband; Males with excessively strong Yang Ren, is an indication of harming wife, thus marriage is not smooth.  

日 主坐比肩劫財就是與配偶宮干支同氣的組合:甲寅、乙卯、丙午、丁巳、戊戌、戊辰、己未、己丑、庚申辛酉、壬子、癸亥這十二日。配偶宮坐比劫,比劫為兄弟 星,都是克財和爭奪之星。男命以財星為妻,妻星不但不入配偶宮,而且配偶宮被克星強佔,有妻星被克被爭奪之象,婚姻不順在所難免;女命以官殺為夫星,夫星 不入配偶宮,而且配偶宮坐比劫與夫星相剋,比劫克財,財不生官殺當然不旺夫,比劫又主爭奪,比劫入配偶宮主有夫星易被爭奪而離異的可能,婚姻幸福無從談 起。難怪古人把上述日柱的一些組合稱之為〝孤鸞煞〞〝八專淫欲煞〞,指明為婚姻不順,離婚率較高的明顯標誌。
4, DM sits on BJ RW, high chance for divorce 
DM sitting on BJ or RW: Jia Yin, Yi Mao, Bing Wu, Ding Si, Wu Xu, Wu Chen, Ji Wei, Ji Chou, Geng Shen, Xin You, Ren Zi, Gui Hai.  Spouse palace as BJ or RW, as BJRW are brother stars, this is considered as harm wealth or rivalry star.  Since wealth is male's wife, wife star doesn't enter spouse palace, and spouse palace is being occupied by rivals, denoting harming wife or stolen, marriage will not be smooth; As for females, DO 7K are the husband stars, husband star does not enter spouse palace, spouse palace is also controlled by DO 7K star, BJ RW control Wealth, Wealth does not birth DO 7K thus not beneficial to husband, BJ RW also denotes rivalry, BJ RW entering spouse palace denotes husband star being stolen and divorce possibility.  That's why the ancients will link the aforementioned DM as "Solitary Sha" "8 Zhuan Lust Sha" pointing out poor marriages, signs of high divorces rates.  
5, All HS or all EB the same, will marry multiple times 
古 訣云:〝天干一字連,孤破禍綿綿;地支連一字,兩度成婚事〞。所謂天干一字連,即四柱天干五行一字相連,如:甲辰甲戌 甲寅 甲子,這種格局天干比肩重疊,即使地支有財官,也有爭財(妻)奪官(夫)之患。地支連一字,即四柱地支五行連同一字,如:己亥 乙亥 辛亥 己亥,此類命造,地支一字,不是身旺無依,就是財重,或官殺重,或食傷重,日元若能棄命相從,不失貴格;若從而不從,必破敗不堪。因此,天干或地支連一字 的人,不論男女,婚姻多不順,悲歡離合在所難免。
Ancient texts: "HS all the same, lonely and suffering: EB all the same, will have two marriages."  For example: Jia Chen, Jia Xu, Jia Yin, Jia Zi, this kind of chart shows BJ in HS through and through, even if EB shows Wealth or Officer, there will be rivalry for wealth (wife) rivalry for officer (husband).  EB all the same, for example: Ji Hai, Yi Hai, Xin Hai, Ji Hai, if it is not strong self with no support, then it is strong wealth or strong officer, or strong EGHO, if DM can forgo self and become a follow chart, then it can be noble; if it can not become a follow chart, then it will definitely suffer.  Therefore, people with HS or EB all the same, usually will have poor marriage, sad endings.  

傷 官星在月令,且傷官透乾成〝傷官格〞的女命,或傷官、食神在八字命局中多見的女命,或日坐傷官的女命,這等女性,若非為人多才多藝,就是長相清逸秀麗,或 二者兼而有之。多半屬於女強人形,成就往往超越男性,由於主觀強,鋒芒畢露,眼光過高,喜歡挑剔,獨斷專行,尤喜管制對方,容易傷害伴侶的自尊心, 極易滋生矛盾。情侶易分手,夫妻難於白頭偕老,這是婚戀不順,情路坎坷的常見原因。
6, For females, when the Day EB is HO, relationships are full of obstacles
HO in month EB, with HO penetrating to heaven then it becomes "HO chart" or when HO EG is prosperous in chart, or DM sitting on HO, this kind of female are usually very talented, or extremely pretty, or they are both.  Mostly they are successful women, their achievements will surpass the male counterparts, because they are extremely subjective, likes to show off,  views highly of self, hypercritical, doesn't listen to others,  is controlling, can easily affect the husband's ego, easily creating conflicts.  Dating partners can break up easily, hard for marriage to last long, this is not good for marriages, and one of the main reasons for bad relationships.


  1. Hey, Happy to see you are blogging. All the best.


  2. Hello .m.k.! Glad you found me. Welcome to my humble page. As you can see, I'm the slow blogger type. =)

    1. Hi,

      Are you Hellokitty in FiveArts? I see that you're continuing your translation efforts. :)


  3. HI DOOM!!

    I'm so happy my old buddies found me. Yeah continuing slowlyyyyyyy. =D

  4. I am glad I found you .I enjoyed reading your translations on Five arts last time.


  5. Hi Kitty,
    May I know what is BJ RW in this article meant? Am starting to learn more on bazi :)


    1. BJ or Bi Jian, Same polarity element as DM.
      RW or Rob Wealth, Opposite polarity element as DM.

      ie, if you are Jia, Jia is your BJ, and Yi is your RB.

  6. Hi Kitty.
    I am a 戊戌, hubby is a 丁巳。
    I came to know bazi too late. My marriage failed and we are verge of breaking up. I am someone with 4HO. And i know my issues is with my mouth. After reading this, i am more depressed. Is like we are destined to be separated...

    1. Hi Chicmummy, don't be depressed. Once you know your chart, it's the first step to fixing yourself. I have that problem too, so knowing my chart's innate flaws makes me conscientious of what comes out of my mouth. Many times, I'd catch myself going to far, and if i didn't know bazi, i know i'll carry on and on. The saying sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never break me, is completely false, especially in marriage. Good luck =)

  7. nice posting but too many abbreviation that not many people understand, i only can guess abreavuatrion for EB, HO (10 god) LP what is DP, HP ?
