Saturday, March 12, 2016

Clinton's chart:

Bing* Wu Geng Ding
Chen* Yin Xu Hai

Data from astrodatabank with questionable hour. Reader discretion advised.

I don't shy away from reading LiuZi (six characters) as many of my readers should know by now. Of course, it's best if I have all eight characters.  Clinton's LiuZi DM has a natural propensity towards wealth and power. With the right configuration, she can hold immense power and wealth.  Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you see it, as the power sits in the spouse palace, the power comes from her husband.  She needs to go through her husband in order to reach the ultimate status.  So let's look at her LP, bazi classic says Wu Yin DMs, when paired with Yi Mao, will gain extreme nobility and wealth.  Coincidentally, her Yi Mao LP is exactly the years she was First Lady the US.  My conclusion is she has already reached her maximum chart potential.  To be the next POTUS, she will need to be in good LP now.  Currently her LP is Ding Si (Dr over IR) both gods are her enemy.  Even though Clinton's chart is noble and wealthy, her luck now really suck. It'll be interesting to see how this election plays out because I know majority of the CM community are predicting Clinton to be the next POTUS.  I should also add, even all the major polls are showing in her favor.


  1. Wow where have you been. Glad your back. Missed you x

  2. Hi Kitty. Glad to read your posting again! yay


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