Wednesday, June 18, 2014

六親的看法 - Decoding Familial Relations

第二節 六親的看法
Section 2 - Decoding Familial Relations
Using Ten Gods and its changes to decode relations
Family members as represented by the 10 gods has intimate relationship with the DM, this represents whether the affinity is good or whether it is mutual good feeling. 
If certain family member as represented by the 10 god and self are alienated, punished, clash, control DM, this means that the particular family member and self do not have good relations or the affinity is low. 
If certain family member as represented by the 10 god is considerably strong, this means that the particular family member has substantial influence over DM.  
If certain family member as represented by the 10 god is considerably weak, this means that the particular family member has insignificant influence over DM. 
If the 10 god has destruct (liu po), no rescue/remedy, this means the affinity with the family member and self is weak, even possible that both will clash each other.
If it is useful god, then the family member can often assist DM. 
If it is annoying god, then the family member is not unfavorable to self. 
If the 10 god is also Tian Yi or Tian Yue Guiren, this means the family member can easily bring wealth and fame.  
If the 10 god is also Tao Hua (peach blossom), this means the family member is charming and attractive, can easily attract PB issues. 
If the 10 god is also Yi Ma (traveling horse), this means the family member is often away. 
Using palace to determine familial relations: 
If the parents palace, sibling palace are useful, this means the person gets help from the parents and siblings before 30 years old.  If only the year pillar is useful, this means the person is helped before 15 years old, if only month pillar is useful, this means the person gets help between the ages of 15 to 30.  If year and month are annoying gods, then reverse is true.
If spouse palace is useful, this means the wife has wealth capacity or is beautiful, if it is annoying god, then this means the wife's qualification is less than self.  
If the hour pillar is useful, then this means the children will be wealthy. 
那么,同樣都代表某六親的十神與宮位的含義有何不同?其實代表六親的十神是否為喜用,只代表此六親是否能夠助我,六親 的宮位,則代表此六親的條件品質的好壞(財富、地位、名聲等)。當然,六親的條件不錯,再與自己的關係好,當然就能幫助自己,也因此六親的宮位常比所代表 的十星重要。
So, what's the difference between the familial representation by 10 god vs palace?  In fact, whether or not the familial relation as represented by 10 god, only means if they can assist DM, the familial palace, represents whether that family member has good qualifications or not (wealth, status, fame, etc).  Of course, when family member has good qualification, and relationship with self is good, then of course they can help DM, this is also the reason that the palace is more important than the 10 god representation of the family member.  

If certain family member as represented by 10 god is not found in natal, then use that family member's palace, to determine the family member's qualifications, and whether or not s/he is helpful to self. 
If certain family member as represented by 10 god is useful god, but the palace is inauspicious, then this means, the family member's qualification is not good, however is still helpful to self.  
If certain family member as represented by 10 god is annoying god, but the palace is auspicious, then this means, this family member has good qualifications, but unable to assist self.  
 The palace and Day pillars interaction, can also be used to determine affinity, relationship, this way of decoding, is the same as previously discussed using 10 god.

(男)辛卯 庚子 甲戌 丁卯
           Xin Mao   Geng Zi    Jia Xu    Ding Mao  (Kitty notes: person born in 1800's)
Father: DM, Day EB are Indirect Wealth, relations with the father is close, it is useful god, father can help self. 
Mother: Month EB is Zi water and it is not close with DM, it is also annoying god, thus relationship with mother is not close and there is little assistance from the mom. 
Parents wealth and status: Year EB and Month EB are annoying gods, Year Stem and Month Stems are idle gods, thus parents are consider lower middle class. 
Siblings: Hour EB is RW Mao and it is annoying god, it also peach blossom, thus sibling and self have good relationship, but sibling is licentious, unable to assist self, and signs indicate sibling will die young (in fact, there is one who passed away in 1968). 
Wife:  Xu in Day EB, and it is useful god, but Mao and Xu combines, Mao is PB and it is a bad PB, as well as annoying god, thus conclude: Wife and self have good relationship, wife has good qualifications, can assist self, but after marriage, there is a possibility of love triangle, in fact the DM was involve in such love matter.  
Children:  Can use Guan/Sha, Hour pillar to determine the relationship between DM and children, some are close, and some are not.  

(男)戊辰 已未 甲寅 甲子

This chart shows Jia Ji combination, but Wu earth indirect wealth penetrates to stem, can deduce relationship with wife is hot and cold. 
Hour EB Zi water Resource is Kong Wang, plus Jia wood sits on top, this person will have bad relationship with siblings and mother after 45 years old.  

(男)丁亥 庚戌 已巳 辛未

此為蔣介石八字。 This is Chiang Kai-Shek chart (Kitty notes:  Some sites use Wei hour and some use Wu hour, reader discretion advised)  

Chart has no Indirect wealth, can use Year EB Hai water as father, wife, and have clash, go away early (kitty notes: usually means death)  
Bing fire Direct resource at Day EB, strong qi, relationship with mother is strong, and he is also deeply influenced by the mother. 
Hour stem Xin is useful god, the quality of his children is good. 

(男)已酉 已巳 丁卯 丙午
此為蔣經國八字。This is Chiang Ching Kuo's bazi, son of Chiang Kai-Shek.

Year EB You have indirect wealth which is useful, in addition there's Tian Yi Guiren, however, there is a clash with Day Pillar, thus can determine the affinity with father is low, but father can be noble even if he is not rich, most likely this chart can get assistance from father.  

(Kitty notes:  There are several birthdays circulating on the internet.  Wikipedia shows his birthday to be April 27, 1910... Reader discretion is advised again). 

(男)乙未 辛巳 庚寅 甲申

Month stem Xin sits on Si, Day stem Geng sits on Yin, represents Shen will clash Yin, but because DM is weak and favors metal, thus can determine the person will get assistance from siblings, but the relationship between siblings is poor or that the sibling may die young. 

This chart shows two indirect wealth getting clash by metal, but because there is one indirect wealth at Day branch, thus affinity with father is only slightly affected. 

(女)庚寅 甲申 庚子 壬午

Chart does not have Direct or Indirect Resource, and Indirect wealth is clashed, she was adopted when young, and had little contact with the biological parents.

我們再為大家分析一下宮位與十神的區別:Let's summarize the difference between palace and 10 gods.  

宮位所代表的是一種位置,一種角色,十神則是由日幹和其他干支的生克關係所推演出來的一種含義。以男子為例,坐支所代 表的是妻子的位置,如果這個男人同時和兩個女人有著關係,其坐支受沖克,由於日支代表的是一種位置和角色,故坐支受沖克時,僅代表占居了日支這個位置的女 人有災,即妻子有災或本人與妻子關係惡化,情人是不會有災的,也不會和本人關係惡化。若為財受劫奪,即自己所控制、支配、享用的人、事、物有災,由於財的 含義包含了妻子和情人,故此時是妻子和情人都有災。
(Kitty notes:  I'll use my own words for this paragraph). 
What the author is saying is, the palace represents the position/role of the respective family member.  The character/behavior of the 10 gods is derived from the DM and interactions with the rest of the stems and ebs in chart.  Example:  Male chart, Day EB represents the position/role of the wife, if the male relations with two women, it is the spouse inside the palace getting clashed/harmed, thus spouse is hurt or the male and his spouse have poor relationship, and the lover is not affected (the lover is not inside the spouse palace), the male and lover will not have a deteriorating relationship.  However, if it is the wealth star (10 god) getting robbed, thus this represents ALL that is controlled by self, dominated by self, enjoyed by self, situations, and things will be harmed, because wealth star represents both wife and lover, thus this time both wife and love will be harmed. 

當日支為羊刃時,由於妻子的含義為“財”,羊刃劫財,故日支為羊刃所顯示的像是:由於劫財占居了日支這個位置,故女人 (財)很難進入日支這個位置成為自己的妻子、勉強進入了也會被劫。現實意義就是晚婚和克妻。但日支為羊刃並不影響談戀愛及與女孩子接觸,或此人柱中財多則 表示談戀愛次數很多,一旦論及婚嫁就不行了。同理,若日支為財,為食傷,則表示求婚較易成功。
When the Day branch is Yang Ren, because wife is represented as wealth, Yang Ren can rob wealth, thus when the Day Branch is Yang Ren will represent: the wife is not able to enter the spouse palace, thus female (wealth) it is hard for the male to have a wife, even if the male managed to marry, the wife can be stolen.  In reality it usually means late marriage or inauspicious to wife.  However, Day Branch with Yang Ren does not denote poor dating or poor association with women, or this person may have multiple wealth stars then this means he will have many romances, but once married this is when Yang Ren will cause its problems.  Also, if Day Branch is also Wealth star, or EG/HO, then the person's marriage proposal will be accepted readily. 
Another example, if 7K is prosperous, self is weak with BJ/RW, then this person will be bullied, because BJ/RW is considered as helfpul friend, thus the friend is also getting bullied.  If Month Pillar is clashed, then everything represented by the month pillar will be affected; parents, or siblings.

Another example, parents as represented by Direct Resource, the meaning is to give, to dedicate, but if the self is strong and do not need DR to empower, then the mother represented greatly differs, this time DR is usually not represented as mother, so during annual pillar when DR is clashed, the mother may not be affected.  This time, just use the palace to determine the mother.  

Hopefully, this helps everyone to decode the difference between palace and 10 gods.  
(Kitty notes:  This is explained very well.  Now, time to research and practice.)

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