女命貴格 Noble Female Chart
- 正氣官星, A positive Direct Officer Star,
- 財官兩旺, Wealth and Officer both prosperous,
- 印綬天德,Resources are Tian De Gui Ren,
- 獨殺有制,A single 7K is controlled,
- 傷官生財,HO birth DW,
- 坐祿逢財,Sitting on Lu meeting Wealth,
- 官星帶合,DO brings combo,
- 日貴逢財,Day Pillar have Tian Yue Gui Ren meeting Wealth,
- 官貴逢官,Noble Officer meeting Officer,
- 官星坐祿,DO sitting on Lu,
- 官星桃花,DO is peach blossom,
- 食神生旺,Prosperous EG,
- 食神生財,EG birth Wealth,
- 殺化印綬,7K expend to Resource,
- 二德扶身,Tian De and Yue De assisting self,
- 三奇合局,San Qi in chart,
- 羊刃有制,Yang Ren is controlled,
- 拱祿拱貴,Push Lu, Push Noble (((Meow notes: This is a chart type. ie Gui Chou Day and Gui Hai Hour, push Zi. Zi as Gui's Lu so push Pu. I might do a translation on this.)))
- 歸祿逢財。 Returning Lu meeting Wealth. (((Meow notes: This is another chart type.)))
女命賤格 Lowly Female Chart
- 官殺混雜,DO and 7K mixed and mingle,
- 官殺無制,DO and 7K have no control,
- 殺星太重,Overly strong 7K,
- 傷官太重,Overly strong HO,
- 貪財破印,Obsessing Wealth destroying Resource,
- 比肩犯重,Bi Jian too strong,
- 無官見合,Having combination without DO,
- 無印見殺,Having 7K without Resource,
- 傷官七殺,Having HO and 7K,
- 帶合桃花,Having peach blossom combination,
- 八字刑沖,Natal chart having Punishment or Clash,
- 財多身弱,Prosperous Wealth and Weak Self,
- 羊刃沖刑,Yang Ren having Clash or Punishment,
- 金神帶刃,Jin Shen with Yang Ren,
- 多官多合,Too many DO and too many combinations,
- 倒插桃花,Upside down or Reversed position Peach Blossom (((Meow notes: Means when the woman's hour pillar have PB. Hour pillar is typically read as the old age so having PB in Hour is not ideal. Hence the image upside down/reversed position.)))
- 身旺無依,Prosperous Self without support,
- 傷官見官,HO meeting DO,
- 印綬遇劫。Resource with Jie Cai.
女命總斷歌 Summary Song of Female Chart
- 驛馬帶貴人,終久落風塵。Yi Ma meeting Gui Ren, an everlasting life as prostitute.
- 有辰休見戌,有戌休見辰,辰戌若相逢,多是淫賤人。When Chen sees Xu, or Xu sees Chen, Meeting Chen Xu together, mostly are promiscuous,
- 有殺不怕合,無殺卻怕合,合神若是多,非妓即娼婆。Having 7K then not afraid of combination, without 7K then fear combination, if too many combination, either a hooker or mamasan (Older hookers now promoting younger hookers to patrons).
- 羊刃帶傷官,駁雜事多端,滿盤都是印,損子必須定。Yang Ren with HO, plentiful of problems, Resource all over the place, harm to children.
- 二德坐正財,富貴自然來。Tian de Yue de sitting on Wealth, Wealth and Nobility will sure follow.
- 金水若相逢,必招美麗容。Metal and Water meeting, is definitely a pretty face.
- 寅申巳亥全,孤淫福不连,子午逢卯酉,定是隨人走。Yi Shen Si Hai all present, masturbating therefore it is not a complete blessing (((In other words, no sex.))), Zi Wu meeting Mao You, will follow any man.
- 辰戌逢丑未,婦道大大忌。Chen Xu meeting Chou Wei, a woman's worse fear.
- 財官若藏庫,衝開多不富。If wealth and officer is storage, if clashed open usually not wealthy.
- 天干一字連,孤刑禍綿綿,地支連一字,兩度成婚事。HS all same, lonesome and disaster continuous ensue, EB all the same, will have two marriages.
女命詩訣 - Female destiny poem
My notes: Noble women chart doesn't necessarily mean she's going to be rich and noble. If she's born in a bad society, she won't be able to fend for herself. Conversely, low grade female chart, doesn't necessarily mean she's poor and licentious. If she's born in western society, she will certainly have potential to become CEO. This is my perspective, shaped by many readings and observations, and chart decoding. Hope it helps my female readers. ;)
Source: http://www.ncc.com.tw/fate/paleo/bg/bg_20.htm
- 財官印綬三般物,女命逢之必旺夫,不犯殺多無混雜,身強制伏有稱呼。Having all three DW, DO, DR, females will definitely be lucky to husband, the chart cannot have mixture of DO and 7K nor strong 7K, the self must be strong to control.
- 女命傷官福不真,無財無印守孤貧,局中若見傷官透,必作堂前使喚人。Blessing is not genuine when Female charts have HO, without wealth and without resource she will be lonely and poor, if HO is rooted and penetrating, she will definitely be in the forefront ordering people. (((Meow: If HO rooted and penetrating she will be bossing people around, not necessary a bad thing. But of course in the old days, women can't be in the forefront and definitely can't be bossy, hence it's consider a bad female chart.)))
- 有夫帶合須還正, 有合無夫定是偏,官殺重來成下格,傷官重合不須言。DO with combination will be first wife, a combination with DO will be concubine, a chart with heavy DO and 7K becomes a low chart, the same goes for a chart with heavy HO.
- 官帶桃花福壽長,桃花帶殺少禎祥,合多切忌桃花犯,劫比桃花大不良。DO with PB is good blessing and longevity, PB with 7K is not as auspicious, too many combinations will fear PB, PB with BiJian and Jie Cai will be harmful.
- 女命傷官格內嫌,帶財帶印福方堅, 傷官旺處傷夫主,破了傷官損壽元。Females with HO chart will are suspicious, with Wealth and Resource then she can be strong, strong HO will hurt husband, to destroy HO also damage longevity.
- 飛天祿馬井欄叉,女命逢之福不佳,不好為偏並作妓,有財方可享榮華。飛天祿馬(((this is a chart type and applies only to Geng and Ren DMs, ie Geng Zi meeting Wu, Geng's husband is Ding, Zi hurts Wu's Ding, ie Ren Zi meeting Wu, Ren's husband is Ji, also found inside Wu, so Zi hurts Wu's Ji. Dizzy Yet??))), Females with this chart type blessing is not ideal, do not become a concubine or prostitute, having wealth then she can enjoy glory and splendor.
My notes: Noble women chart doesn't necessarily mean she's going to be rich and noble. If she's born in a bad society, she won't be able to fend for herself. Conversely, low grade female chart, doesn't necessarily mean she's poor and licentious. If she's born in western society, she will certainly have potential to become CEO. This is my perspective, shaped by many readings and observations, and chart decoding. Hope it helps my female readers. ;)
Source: http://www.ncc.com.tw/fate/paleo/bg/bg_20.htm