Tuesday, November 22, 2016

論雜格 - Discussing charts with mixed qi

Sorry readers... not sure why the fonts on this post is so small even though I tried everything to fix it.  I'll keep trying.  Peace!

(Messy Chart type) 
People with Messy Chart, Month EB is useless, thus need to check the outer bazi layer for useful gods.  There are many such cases, thus called messy.  Usually at the stem level, there are no DO or 7K, to be considered outer layer chart.  (((Meow notes:  Outer layer seems like a misnomer, but I don't have a better way to describe it.  So just keep in mind, it's the parts other than month EB.)))  If there are DO and 7K, then they are the useful gods, 無勞外格矣???.  If there are wealth gods then use this to establish chart type, of course better if wealth have roots, or wealth penetrates in two stems, this is has the same level of importance, then no need to look at outer later to determine chart type.  

Out of all the chart types, there are elements that falls into the same direction, ie Jia wood, Yi wood having complete Hai Mao Wei or Yin Mao Chen, and born in Spring season, they are consider one party robbing wealth, so if the chart has this trio formation, then it is a complete chart, it favors resource and chart pure.  If Gui Hai, Yi Mao, Yi Wei, Ren Wu, as this is Wu Xiang Gong's chart (Meow notes: Historical figure).  LP favors Resource and Friends, EG is also favorable, DO and 7K are unfavorable.    

People with transformed charts, needs the transformation agent, if exist in chart then it becomes the command, then the chart is complete.  For example, Ding Ren transforms wood, and there are Hai Mao Wei or Yin Mao Chen, and born in Spring months, then this is extremely noble.  Otherwise born in Hai or Wei months, even though these have wood qi, it is lesser quality.  If Jia Xu, Ding Mao, Ren Yin, Jian Chen, these are top grade charts.  LP favors transformation agents, if it carries Resource, Wealth or HO, it's okay, the only unfavorable god is DO and 7K.  

有倒沖成格者,亦四柱無財官,而對面以沖之,要支中字多,方沖得動。譬如以弱主遇強賓,主不眾則賓不從。如戊午 戊午 戊午 戊午,是衝子財也。甲寅 庚午 丙午 甲午,是衝子官也,運忌填實,餘俱可行。
For people with inverted clashes, four pillars do not have wealth or officer, 而對面以沖之, need branches to have sub qi, in order for clash to have movement.  Analogy, a weak host meets strong guest, meaning if host is not exposed then the guest will not follow.  For example, 
Wu Wu Wu Wu 
Wu Wu, Wu Wu, 
 it clashes Zi Wealth.  Jia Yin, Geng Wu, Bing Wu, Jia Wu, clashes Zi Guan, LP fears 填實 (Meow notes:  some places mentions this refers to Kong Wang, but I have reservations.  For now, I'm leaving it as is until I can get more information.  Maybe Trey will give me another lesson???))), other than 填實 all else are good. 
People with Facing Sun chart, (((Meow notes: I have never heard of this kind of chart!!!))), Wu faces Bing, Xin day gets Guan, means Bing and Wu both have shiganlu in Si, thus there is a attracting/drawing connotation, must not have wood or fire in stem, to become this chart.  If stem have fire, then it is not completeIf there is wood wealth, then it becomes Wu's agony, ie Wu Xin Xin Wu
   Chen You You Zi
this is 張知縣's chart (((Another Chinese historical figure))).  Favorable if LP meets earth, Metal, and water, Wood is mediocre, and Fire is unfavorable.  
(((Meow notes:  This is only relevant to Xin Day Masters)))    
有合祿成格者,命無官星,借干支以合之,戊日庚申,以庚合乙,因其主而得其偶。如己未 戊辰 戊辰 庚申,蜀王命是也。癸日庚申,以申合巳,因其主而得其朋。如己酉 癸未 癸未 庚申,趙丞相命是也。運亦忌真實,不利官煞,更不宜以火剋金,使彼受制,而不能合,余則吉矣。
For charts that have successful Lu combination, chart has no Direct Officer, borrow Stem and Branch to form combination, Wu DM Geng Shen, use Geng and Yi combo, because of Wu DM will attract this outcome.  Ie Ji You, Gui Wei, Gui Wei, Geng Shen, 趙丞相 is a Chinese historical figure from the warring states, a bad person.  LP fears 真實, not favorable to DO/7K, it's worse to use fire to control metal, and it also controls DM to prevent it from combination, everything else is favorable.
(((Too hard, can't understand this. Second time reading this and it's still a darn blur... what the heck is this???  Someone help me.  Trey??? someone?  Beng??)))

有棄命從財者,四柱皆財,而身無氣,舍而從之,格成大貴。若透印,則身賴印生而不, 從,有官煞,則亦無從財而兼從官煞之理,其格不成。如庚申  乙酉  丙申  乙丑,王十萬命造也。運喜傷食財鄉,不宜身旺。有棄命從煞者,四柱皆煞,而日主無根,舍而從之,格成大貴。若有傷食,則煞受制而不從,有印則印以化煞而不從,如乙酉乙酉乙酉甲申,李侍郎命是也。運喜財官,不宜身旺,食傷則尤忌矣。
For extremely weak charts that follows wealth, four pillars are wealth, DM has no support, this is a follow chart, chart becomes extremely noble.  If chart reveals Resource, then the chart will rely on resource and it can not follow, if chart have DO/7K, then it can not follow wealth nor can it follow DO/7K, then the chart is not a successful follow chart.  Ie, Geng Shen, Yi You, Bing Shen, Yi Chou, rich person from old China, ........ TBC

有刑合成格者,癸日甲寅時,寅刑巳而得財官,格與合祿相似,但合祿則善以合之,而刑合則硬以致之也。命有庚申,則木被沖剋,而不能刑,有戊己字,則現透官煞,而無待于刑,非此格矣。如乙未 癸卯 癸卯 甲寅,十二節使命是也。運忌填實,不利金鄉,余則吉矣。
有遙合成格者,巳與丑會,本同一局,丑多則會巳,而辛丑日得官,亦合祿之意也。如辛丑 辛丑 辛丑 庚寅,章統制命是也。若命中有子字,則丑與子合而不遙,有丙丁戊己,則辛癸之官煞已透,而無待於遙,別有取用,非此格矣。至於甲子遙己,輾轉求合,似覺無情,此格可廢。因羅禦史命,聊複存之。如甲申甲戌甲子甲子,羅禦史命也。
若 夫拱祿拱貴,趨乾歸祿,夾戌鼠貴,騎龍,日貴,日德,福祿,魁罡,食神,時墓,兩干不雜,干支一氣,五行俱足之類,一切無理之格,概置勿取。即古人格內, 亦有成式。總之意為遷就,硬填入格,百無一似,徒誤後學而已。乃若天地雙飛,雖富貴亦自有格,不全賴此,而亦能增重其格。即用神不甚有用,偶有依以為用, 亦成美格。然而有用神不吉,即以為凶,不可執也。
其 於傷官傷盡,謂是傷盡,不宜見官。必盡力以傷之,使之無地容身。更行傷運,便能富貴。不知官有何罪,而惡之如此。況見官而傷,則以官非美物,而傷以制之。 又何傷官之謂凶神,而見官之為禍百端乎。予用是說以曆試,但有貧賤,並無富貴,未輕信也。近亦見有大貴者,不知何故。然要之極賤者多,不得不觀其人物以衡 之。


Sunday, July 17, 2016

Following US election?

Anyone following US election?  Drop me a line.  Let me know what you think and who you think should be our next POTUS.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Clinton's chart:

Bing* Wu Geng Ding
Chen* Yin Xu Hai

Data from astrodatabank with questionable hour. Reader discretion advised.

I don't shy away from reading LiuZi (six characters) as many of my readers should know by now. Of course, it's best if I have all eight characters.  Clinton's LiuZi DM has a natural propensity towards wealth and power. With the right configuration, she can hold immense power and wealth.  Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you see it, as the power sits in the spouse palace, the power comes from her husband.  She needs to go through her husband in order to reach the ultimate status.  So let's look at her LP, bazi classic says Wu Yin DMs, when paired with Yi Mao, will gain extreme nobility and wealth.  Coincidentally, her Yi Mao LP is exactly the years she was First Lady the US.  My conclusion is she has already reached her maximum chart potential.  To be the next POTUS, she will need to be in good LP now.  Currently her LP is Ding Si (Dr over IR) both gods are her enemy.  Even though Clinton's chart is noble and wealthy, her luck now really suck. It'll be interesting to see how this election plays out because I know majority of the CM community are predicting Clinton to be the next POTUS.  I should also add, even all the major polls are showing in her favor.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Who will become the next POTUS?


Who will become the next POTUS?
Trump, Clinton, or Sanders

Trumps Bazi:

Trumps chart has Si Wu Wei fire seasonal, Wu Xu half fire trio, Wu Wei six combo fire or earth (depending on your bazi school). This chart screams spoiled brat as resource is extremely strong fueling his DM.  Ji also wants to combine with Jia but Jia is unstable, so at most, Trumps desire to become the next POTUS needs to be backed by strong decade luck.

Current decade: Xin Chou

Bing Xin becomes water.  Is this water sufficient to propel Jia?  No, this authority is superficial.  Nonetheless, it is water and the water helps Jia. The only way this chart can become the president is if the American people accept this person as president without the expectation for this person to do any presidential work.  Is that possible?

To be continue when I have time...

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Cai Xi Qiong - Wu Earth

Cai Xi Qiong

戊土:Wu Earth

第一讲 比方下的戊土

First Discussion,  Earth Examples

The ancients say: "Wu Earth in sky is rosy cloud, mist, on ground it is a hill, you can also try to understand it as city wall, thick earth."  "Earth have no main qi, depends on fire for birth, rosy cloud have no body, it needs to borrow daylight to exist.  Knowing Bing fire is light, can push Wu Earth as rosy cloud.   Rosy cloud and day are related, thus without fire then Wu is dead."  Wu on the body is represented by the skin, inside the body it is stomach.  

胃 上接于食道,下通小肠,其主要功能是受纳,腐熟水谷。饮食入口,经过食道容纳于胃,胃有“水谷之海”之称。容纳于胃的水谷,经过胃的初步消化,下传于小 肠,其水谷精微通过脾的运化,以供养全身。胃对于饮食水谷的消化功能,称之为“胃气”。胃气对人体生命与健康是很重要的,中医认为“人以胃气为本”,有胃 气则生,无胃气则死。胃的功能特点是以通降为顺,所以胃气主降。如果胃失和降,所饮食物及糟粕不能下行,就会出现脘腹胀痛,大便秘结等病症。胃气不降而上 逆,则可能引起恶心呕吐或呃逆嗳气。戊土就象人的皮肤和胃一样,在外面对全身都有保护和发散功能,在内可以消化饮食之物。胃喜湿怕燥,戊土也一样,喜滋 润,太燥则有失功用。
Stomach is connected to the Esophagus on the top, and connected to small intestines on the bottom,  it's main function is to absorb, digest food. Food entering mouth, goes through the esophagus to the stomach, stomach has also known as "reservoir of food and drink."  The stomach holds the food and drink, after going through initial stage of digestion, next is the small intestines, (meow notes:  feeling like a lesson in biology eh.  Skipping this big chunk for now since it's mostly TCM....
其水谷精微通过脾的运化,以供养全身。胃对于饮食水谷的消化功能,称之为“胃气”。胃气对人体生命与健康是很重要的,中医认为“人以胃气为本”,有胃 气则生,无胃气则死。胃的功能特点是以通降为顺,所以胃气主降。如果胃失和降,所饮食物及糟粕不能下行,就会出现脘腹胀痛,大便秘结等病症。胃气不降而上 逆,则可能引起恶心呕吐或呃逆嗳气.  Wu earth is like a person's skin and stomach, outside it functions as protection and dispersion, inside it functions as digestions.  Stomach likes to be moist and fears parched, the same as Wu earth.  If parched, will lose its function.  

There are others who say, Wu on Earth ground, is hard hard earth, like the wall, like concrete.  It can help create big buildings, it can hold many things.   But it also have a stubborn side, you can not have a full frontal disagreement with Wu DM people.  Wu DM will often speak of one way, but behind your back he will go with his own views, so you must be careful when you disagree with Wu DM.  


<DTS> says:  Wu Earth is solid and heavy, it is both main and center.  It likes quiet and dislike movement, it is the commander of all living things.  Along with water, all things will grow.  Along with Fire, things will fall ill.  If it falls under 艮 (Gen/Northwest) 坤(Kun/North), it does not like clash, prefers peace.  Wu DM, are magnanimous, honest and selfless.  Wu DM like to be static, it's too lazy to move.  However once it moves, it will move with enthusiasm, and its surrounding will feel its impact, it can change the original atmosphere.  Wu DM are straightforward people, they may offend people unknowingly, this will have a negative impact on their career. 

围 住江湖,堤岸是功不可没。戊土为堤岸,壬水为江河之水,壬水不是过于旺盛的时候,戊土可以起到固水的作用,但壬水过旺,就有冲垮堤岸的危险。所以较弱的戊 土,比较害怕壬水的冲击。斯时非伤灾必破财。戊土如长江江畔的土山,在长江不泛滥时,戊土只是一堆石块,不会令人觉得它的重要性,但当长江水涨时,这些戊 土便救家救民,不使河水涌入民居。戊土之德便显现出来了。因此在有灾难发生时,戊土日元的人份外易成名。很多知名人物,特别是很多烈士都是戊土日元。

Surrounding the rivers and lakes, embankment plays an important role.  Wu earth is embankment, Ren water is river and lake, when Ren water is over whelming, Wu earth is used to block, but excessive Ren water, can destroy the embankment.  Thus if Wu earth is considerably weak, then it is afraid of Ren water's attack.  Such is a sign of injury, disaster, or lost of wealth.  Wu earth is like the earth of 长江江畔 (see picture), when changjiang is not flooded, Wu earth is a pile of rocks, it doesn't give off the impression it is important, but when the tides are high, Wu earth can help save the country and families, by preventing flooding into homes.  Wu earth's virtues thus appears.  That's why when there is disaster, Wu earth DM can easily get famous.  There are many famous people, especially the warrior types are Wu earth DM. 

例一,乾造:辛丑 庚子 戊戌 癸亥 戌亥 子丑 汪洋之水 戊土为堤岸,但力量薄弱,逢壬年都不顺,或者病痛多或者破财平时不好接触,只在朋友危难之际,愿意出手
戊象城墙厚土,是甲木的掩体, 又是生长甲木的基础放在社会上 代表大众群体 冲撞戊土就象犯众一样可怕
任何有生气之物都以戊土为基础 离开戊土,生气就没有支撑,官以民主本,民以食为天,民与食都是戊土的特征物。好官必爱民,爱民如子的官,民必为他所用,此时的官就有生气,可以蓬勃发展。就象甲以戊为财,可以任其所用,任劳任怨,克的太过就象官逼民反,大事不妙。
    First Example, Male chart: Xin Chou, Geng Zi, Wu Xu, Gui Hai, 

Xu Hai Zi Chou are vast ocean water, Wu Earth is embankment, however its strength is weak, whenever chart meets Ren year it is not smooth, or gets ill or lose money.  Usually hard to get along with, but when friends are in danger, willing to lend a hand.  
Wu earth is like thick wall, it is Jia wood's bunker/coverage/shelter, it is also Jia wood's foundation.  In society, it represents the masses, to clash with Wu earth is as scary as clashing with the masses.  
Wu earth is the foundation for any living thing.   Departing Wu earth, then there is no support,
官以民主本,民以食为天 (Meow notes: this part should be 以民本, 民以食为天, but the writer tweaked it.  In the original form, it's a famous Chinese verse. ) Guan serves the people/sees the people as the most important, the people sees food as most important, people and food are both Wu earth's special features.  Good guan definitely loves people, a guan who love people like own children, then the people will be useful, this time guan will have qi, then can flourish.  Just like Jia uses Wu as wealth, will allow Jia to use it however it wants, it will be hard working for Jia, if Jia is overwhelming then it's like Guan forcing people to rebel, that's very bad.  


        Wu earth can be found everywhere, it is Kun like (Meow notes: Kun is the gua that represents mother), it is heavy with virtue, common yet extensive, guileless yet simple. it is all living thing's dependence and foundation.  Everything from life, will go back to its origin.   Wu earth is direct, it has nothing complicated like justice.
戊土人,喜欢自由,有懒散的习惯,有时很任性,克服这些弱点才有成才的期望 书曰:土得金火,方成大器。戊土遇到金多的时候,就有发泄才华的资本,任性的程度会进一步加剧。如果有火止泄,就不会肆意妄为地乱发泄,此时就有成大器的可能。
Wu earth people, like freedom, have lazy habits, sometimes they are capricious, to be able to conquer this weakness then there will be chance for success.  The books say: Earth to have Metal and Fire, will have great success.  Wu earth meeting too many metal, will have ability to expend talent, capriciousness will increase.  If there is fire to stop the leak, then it will not carelessly expend its bad habit, then there will be chance to achieve great success.  
例二,乾造:辛亥 辛丑 戊申 戊午 生时得午火,年月伤官辛金泄秀,其人才华卓著,双博士

Second example, Male chart:  Xin Hai, Xin Chou, Wu Shen, Wu Wu, birth hour have Wu fire, Year and Month have Hurting Officer Xin metal to expend energy, this person has outstanding talent, holds two Phd degrees.  

Wu is earth's main qi, Ji is earth's soil, in times of need, Ji earth can become Wu earth, like walls, dams.  It can become all of Wu earth's image.  

Friday, August 15, 2014

拱禄拱贵格 - Push Lu Push Gui chart

拱禄格   Gong Lu Ge
There are only five Gong Lu Ge, without clash and without destruction is a good start.  

Yin Ding Ji Wei is best to have wealth to assist, Yang Earth Horse Dragon need water to be strong.  

Gui Day Pig Ox transposed, Ji stem Ji Wei are equals.  

It is good without 7K or DO, is like being a pillar of society (contributing good citizen type or a good royalty).  

There are five Gong Lu Ge, Between Day and Hour to Gong Lu and get Gui (noble)

For example Ding Si Day and Ding Wei Hour, Wu in between will be Gong/Pushed; 

Wu Chen Day and Wu Wu Hour, Si in between will be Gong/Pushed; 

Gui Chou Day and Gui Hai Hour,  or Gui Hai Day and Gui Chou Hour, Zi in between will be Gong/Pushed; 

Ji Wei Day and Ji Si Hour, Wu in between will be Gong/Pushed,  

These are Gong Lu, it favors Wealth stars, and fear 7K DO, Punishment Clash Destruction and Harm,  covered then not noble (because it is only in appearance), applies to LPs.  

拱贵格 Gong Gui Ge
拱贵真时验如神,提纲无气始为真。When Gong Gui is true, test as god, first is to see 提纲without qi to deem as true. 
甲干虎鼠方为用,壬日寅辰贵显身。Jia Yin Jia Zi are useful, Ren Yin Ren Chen exudes noble. 
阳火犬猴为上格,戊人申午为彝伦。Bing Xu Bing Chen are good charts, Wu Shen Wu Wu discuss as 彝 (Meow:  is it the 彝 ethnicity or 彝 bronze sacrificial metal?)))
无冲无破无填实,定是黄金榜上人。Without clash or destruct or not filled up, will definitely be on the imperial official decree.
拱贵格止有四,甲寅日甲子时中间拱丑字;There are only four Gong Gui Ge, Jia Yin Day Jia Zi Hour will push Chou;
壬辰日壬寅时中间拱卯字;Ren Chen Day Ren Yin Hour will push Mao;
丙戌日丙申时,中间拱酉字;Bing Xu Day Bing Shen Hour will push You;
戊申日戊午时,中间拱未字。Wu Shen Day Wu Wu hour will push Wei.

此皆虚拱,日主贵人,故谓之拱贵, 喜财食忌官杀,刑冲填实不犯者,真贵人之命,又要提纲无气方妙。如提上见官杀,不须以拱论。书云:提纲有用提纲重,月令无神用此奇,空亡大忌,岁运亦同。
These are empty pushes, DM is noble, thus it's called push noble, favors Wealth and Output, dislike Officer and 7K, if there are no punishment, clash, or 填实, this is a true noble chart, also such chart would need zero qi to work.  If the potential Gong Gui/push noble chart sees Officer or 7K, then this is not a Gong Gui chart.  The book says: If such chart has useful god then the chart is heavy (with qi),  Month EB have no useful god is good, it is extremely inauspiscious to be in Kong Wang, the same goes for Luck Cycles.  


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

六親的看法 - Decoding Familial Relations

第二節 六親的看法
Section 2 - Decoding Familial Relations
Using Ten Gods and its changes to decode relations
Family members as represented by the 10 gods has intimate relationship with the DM, this represents whether the affinity is good or whether it is mutual good feeling. 
If certain family member as represented by the 10 god and self are alienated, punished, clash, control DM, this means that the particular family member and self do not have good relations or the affinity is low. 
If certain family member as represented by the 10 god is considerably strong, this means that the particular family member has substantial influence over DM.  
If certain family member as represented by the 10 god is considerably weak, this means that the particular family member has insignificant influence over DM. 
If the 10 god has destruct (liu po), no rescue/remedy, this means the affinity with the family member and self is weak, even possible that both will clash each other.
If it is useful god, then the family member can often assist DM. 
If it is annoying god, then the family member is not unfavorable to self. 
If the 10 god is also Tian Yi or Tian Yue Guiren, this means the family member can easily bring wealth and fame.  
If the 10 god is also Tao Hua (peach blossom), this means the family member is charming and attractive, can easily attract PB issues. 
If the 10 god is also Yi Ma (traveling horse), this means the family member is often away. 
Using palace to determine familial relations: 
If the parents palace, sibling palace are useful, this means the person gets help from the parents and siblings before 30 years old.  If only the year pillar is useful, this means the person is helped before 15 years old, if only month pillar is useful, this means the person gets help between the ages of 15 to 30.  If year and month are annoying gods, then reverse is true.
If spouse palace is useful, this means the wife has wealth capacity or is beautiful, if it is annoying god, then this means the wife's qualification is less than self.  
If the hour pillar is useful, then this means the children will be wealthy. 
那么,同樣都代表某六親的十神與宮位的含義有何不同?其實代表六親的十神是否為喜用,只代表此六親是否能夠助我,六親 的宮位,則代表此六親的條件品質的好壞(財富、地位、名聲等)。當然,六親的條件不錯,再與自己的關係好,當然就能幫助自己,也因此六親的宮位常比所代表 的十星重要。
So, what's the difference between the familial representation by 10 god vs palace?  In fact, whether or not the familial relation as represented by 10 god, only means if they can assist DM, the familial palace, represents whether that family member has good qualifications or not (wealth, status, fame, etc).  Of course, when family member has good qualification, and relationship with self is good, then of course they can help DM, this is also the reason that the palace is more important than the 10 god representation of the family member.  

If certain family member as represented by 10 god is not found in natal, then use that family member's palace, to determine the family member's qualifications, and whether or not s/he is helpful to self. 
If certain family member as represented by 10 god is useful god, but the palace is inauspicious, then this means, the family member's qualification is not good, however is still helpful to self.  
If certain family member as represented by 10 god is annoying god, but the palace is auspicious, then this means, this family member has good qualifications, but unable to assist self.  
 The palace and Day pillars interaction, can also be used to determine affinity, relationship, this way of decoding, is the same as previously discussed using 10 god.

(男)辛卯 庚子 甲戌 丁卯
           Xin Mao   Geng Zi    Jia Xu    Ding Mao  (Kitty notes: person born in 1800's)
Father: DM, Day EB are Indirect Wealth, relations with the father is close, it is useful god, father can help self. 
Mother: Month EB is Zi water and it is not close with DM, it is also annoying god, thus relationship with mother is not close and there is little assistance from the mom. 
Parents wealth and status: Year EB and Month EB are annoying gods, Year Stem and Month Stems are idle gods, thus parents are consider lower middle class. 
Siblings: Hour EB is RW Mao and it is annoying god, it also peach blossom, thus sibling and self have good relationship, but sibling is licentious, unable to assist self, and signs indicate sibling will die young (in fact, there is one who passed away in 1968). 
Wife:  Xu in Day EB, and it is useful god, but Mao and Xu combines, Mao is PB and it is a bad PB, as well as annoying god, thus conclude: Wife and self have good relationship, wife has good qualifications, can assist self, but after marriage, there is a possibility of love triangle, in fact the DM was involve in such love matter.  
Children:  Can use Guan/Sha, Hour pillar to determine the relationship between DM and children, some are close, and some are not.  

(男)戊辰 已未 甲寅 甲子

This chart shows Jia Ji combination, but Wu earth indirect wealth penetrates to stem, can deduce relationship with wife is hot and cold. 
Hour EB Zi water Resource is Kong Wang, plus Jia wood sits on top, this person will have bad relationship with siblings and mother after 45 years old.  

(男)丁亥 庚戌 已巳 辛未

此為蔣介石八字。 This is Chiang Kai-Shek chart (Kitty notes:  Some sites use Wei hour and some use Wu hour, reader discretion advised)  

Chart has no Indirect wealth, can use Year EB Hai water as father, wife, and have clash, go away early (kitty notes: usually means death)  
Bing fire Direct resource at Day EB, strong qi, relationship with mother is strong, and he is also deeply influenced by the mother. 
Hour stem Xin is useful god, the quality of his children is good. 

(男)已酉 已巳 丁卯 丙午
此為蔣經國八字。This is Chiang Ching Kuo's bazi, son of Chiang Kai-Shek.

Year EB You have indirect wealth which is useful, in addition there's Tian Yi Guiren, however, there is a clash with Day Pillar, thus can determine the affinity with father is low, but father can be noble even if he is not rich, most likely this chart can get assistance from father.  

(Kitty notes:  There are several birthdays circulating on the internet.  Wikipedia shows his birthday to be April 27, 1910... Reader discretion is advised again). 

(男)乙未 辛巳 庚寅 甲申

Month stem Xin sits on Si, Day stem Geng sits on Yin, represents Shen will clash Yin, but because DM is weak and favors metal, thus can determine the person will get assistance from siblings, but the relationship between siblings is poor or that the sibling may die young. 

This chart shows two indirect wealth getting clash by metal, but because there is one indirect wealth at Day branch, thus affinity with father is only slightly affected. 

(女)庚寅 甲申 庚子 壬午

Chart does not have Direct or Indirect Resource, and Indirect wealth is clashed, she was adopted when young, and had little contact with the biological parents.

我們再為大家分析一下宮位與十神的區別:Let's summarize the difference between palace and 10 gods.  

宮位所代表的是一種位置,一種角色,十神則是由日幹和其他干支的生克關係所推演出來的一種含義。以男子為例,坐支所代 表的是妻子的位置,如果這個男人同時和兩個女人有著關係,其坐支受沖克,由於日支代表的是一種位置和角色,故坐支受沖克時,僅代表占居了日支這個位置的女 人有災,即妻子有災或本人與妻子關係惡化,情人是不會有災的,也不會和本人關係惡化。若為財受劫奪,即自己所控制、支配、享用的人、事、物有災,由於財的 含義包含了妻子和情人,故此時是妻子和情人都有災。
(Kitty notes:  I'll use my own words for this paragraph). 
What the author is saying is, the palace represents the position/role of the respective family member.  The character/behavior of the 10 gods is derived from the DM and interactions with the rest of the stems and ebs in chart.  Example:  Male chart, Day EB represents the position/role of the wife, if the male relations with two women, it is the spouse inside the palace getting clashed/harmed, thus spouse is hurt or the male and his spouse have poor relationship, and the lover is not affected (the lover is not inside the spouse palace), the male and lover will not have a deteriorating relationship.  However, if it is the wealth star (10 god) getting robbed, thus this represents ALL that is controlled by self, dominated by self, enjoyed by self, situations, and things will be harmed, because wealth star represents both wife and lover, thus this time both wife and love will be harmed. 

當日支為羊刃時,由於妻子的含義為“財”,羊刃劫財,故日支為羊刃所顯示的像是:由於劫財占居了日支這個位置,故女人 (財)很難進入日支這個位置成為自己的妻子、勉強進入了也會被劫。現實意義就是晚婚和克妻。但日支為羊刃並不影響談戀愛及與女孩子接觸,或此人柱中財多則 表示談戀愛次數很多,一旦論及婚嫁就不行了。同理,若日支為財,為食傷,則表示求婚較易成功。
When the Day branch is Yang Ren, because wife is represented as wealth, Yang Ren can rob wealth, thus when the Day Branch is Yang Ren will represent: the wife is not able to enter the spouse palace, thus female (wealth) it is hard for the male to have a wife, even if the male managed to marry, the wife can be stolen.  In reality it usually means late marriage or inauspicious to wife.  However, Day Branch with Yang Ren does not denote poor dating or poor association with women, or this person may have multiple wealth stars then this means he will have many romances, but once married this is when Yang Ren will cause its problems.  Also, if Day Branch is also Wealth star, or EG/HO, then the person's marriage proposal will be accepted readily. 
Another example, if 7K is prosperous, self is weak with BJ/RW, then this person will be bullied, because BJ/RW is considered as helfpul friend, thus the friend is also getting bullied.  If Month Pillar is clashed, then everything represented by the month pillar will be affected; parents, or siblings.

Another example, parents as represented by Direct Resource, the meaning is to give, to dedicate, but if the self is strong and do not need DR to empower, then the mother represented greatly differs, this time DR is usually not represented as mother, so during annual pillar when DR is clashed, the mother may not be affected.  This time, just use the palace to determine the mother.  

Hopefully, this helps everyone to decode the difference between palace and 10 gods.  
(Kitty notes:  This is explained very well.  Now, time to research and practice.)  
